Hello ass fuckers, my name is G A Y N E R D and this is my real fucking dick face, cute isn't it?

And these are my hommies, they're gay also.. i dressed up like Patrick Stump and we'd like to take a picture in front of a mirror to see how disgusting our face and style are then put it on myspace..proudly..

My gay hair dresser buddy says, fuck you and I say lets do it on the male bathroom!

Girl's boobs???? eeeuuuwwww.. how disgusting they are!! I hate it when my mom wrote my name on her boobs like thissss! mommy, please stop it!!

I prefer she's doing it like this.. yummmy..!

(From Left to Right) Blue: YO! A represent Ass, I'd love to fuck in the ass and I'm holding my pee now, that's why I'm posing like this..
White: My hair is the best shit in town!! My legs are the longest and more graceful than any other girl in ANTM! Models, watch out, I am your soon to be disaster!
Pink: Not much to say, but if u wanna use these gays, just contact me aite?
Black: I dunnoe what's the meaning of my pose but my face is quite attractive (to be punched)
Green: Look at my shieett unzipped pants, there's a small dick inside it, it's so cute that my bf cannot feel anything when he sucked it.. hmmm